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This week we’re tackling one of the most hotly debated topics in the wedding world, Band versus DJ. Okay, maybe it’s not that big of a deal, but for a couple trying to choose between the two; there’s much to be considered. To help navigate you through the decision, we’ve put together a Pros and Cons list that’ll settle the issue once in for all. Let the battle begin!




  1. They’re SUPER interactive! Singers will get out on the dance floor and if you play your cards right, you might even get some time on stage.

  2. They typically have a more sophisticated vibe. If your dream wedding is black tie elegance with more schmoozing than boogying, a band is your best bet.

  3. Wedding bands are an experience. They have more of a “dinner and a show” vibe and are perfect for the crowd who doesn’t want to dance but still wants to have a good time.

Photo | Sarah Slover

Photo | Sarah Slover


  1. Your venue may not be right for a band set-up. Typically bands are made up of many people and even more equipment, so if you’re already going to be packed tight, consider a DJ.

  2. More people and more equipment also mean more money. Is your budget band friendly?

  3. Quality is also the name of the game when it comes to hiring a band. Sure they might be featuring all your favorite songs, but if you hate the singer’s voice or style it may ruin your good time.



Photo | Payge Stevens


  1. Because DJs aren’t performing per se, they’re freer to mix and match music styles and music vibes.

  2. Typically they aren’t too intrusive, so they won’t take up too much space.

  3. They exist to get the party started and if you and your boo are trying to drop it low, DJs are the way to go.


  1. DJs often also serve as MCs for the night so a bad DJ can mess with the flow of the night and the mood in the room.

  2. If your guests aren’t as dance-y, a DJ trying to hype them up might get a little awkward.


So what do you think? Band or DJ?






We get it, you're getting married, but you're also on the go go go, and don't have the time to scroll through our entire blog to find the information you need (our feeling aren't hurt, we promise)! To save you the trouble, we've rounded up some of our best posts to plan for your big day. Here is the 411 on the BIG 5!



Both starting point and sticking point for many couples. Save yourself the disappointment and establish a firm budget ASAP.



The backdrop of your wedding day should be as beautifully matched as you and your betrothed.


Wedding Party

With your boo and your besties by your side, you’re guaranteed to have the best night ever.



The number one rule for keeping the guests happy, you ask? Keep the drinks, the music and the love flowing!


Ceremony + Reception

The vows, the tears, the dinner, and the dancing! Uff, we can’t get enough!


May the wedding gods be with you!






Weddings have no shortage or traditions and etiquette that dictates what you should and shouldn’t do on the big day. While researching best practices, we found that so many of the big wedding rules were antiquated. So, instead of maintaining the status quo, we decided to play a game of Do or Ditch! These are things that you can let go if they don’t match your style (it’s your wedding after all) or wedding day elements you shouldn’t cross off your list, no matter how badly you want to. Let’s dive in!



  • Expensive Stationary - Traditionally, weddings are filled with paper (invitations, STDs, menus, etc.), but they don’t have to be. If you’re looking for a more eco-friendly or affordable option, go digital!

  • Ceremony Seating Arrangements - Say goodbye to separated sides on the ceremony for the different families.

  • Cake - Not that into cake? Swap it for pie or an elaborate dessert display.

  • Wedding Party - More and more low-key couples are opting out of traditional wedding parties. You can forego a formal wedding party and still have a few friends or family members get ready with you on your big wedding morning!

  • Wedding Dress - Ditch the idea of a wedding dress if it’s not your style. Jumpsuits are all the rage this season.


  • Dinner - Feed your guests, but if you can’t let them know formally via your wedding invitations, so they know to grab a bite beforehand.

  • Wedding Website - Create a wedding website! It can be as straightforward or as elaborate as you want

  • Welcome - Do something special to welcome out of town guests.

  • Alone Time - Carve some time out for just the two of you.

  • Technology - Respect the couple’s tech requests. Unplugged means unplugged.



  • Name Changes - Changing your last name doesn’t have to be a requirement. Discuss it and ditch it if you want.

  • Tosses - Garter and bouquet tosses single out your single friends and may be a little awkward in front of everyone (the whole under the wedding dress this can be a little 😬).

  • Matching - Bridesmaids don’t have to match. There’s a wide range of bridal party look to choose from. Explore your options!

  • Understated Grooms(men) - Mix it up, boys can get fancy too!

  • Brides Family Responsibilities - Traditions of yesteryear say that the bride’s parents foot the wedding bill, but it doesn’t have to be that way.



  • Vendor Meals - Feed your vendors. After working all day to create the perfect day, your staff gets hungry too!

  • Dress Code - Follow the desired dress code, no matter what. Confused about what the dress code means? We can help!

  • RSVPs - If you RSVP yes, then get your booty to the wedding.

  • Gifts - Thank your wedding party with a little something-something. It doesn’t have too pricey and over the top, just something to thank them for all the support they’ve given you.

  • Invites - Pay attention to your invitation. Never show up with a surprise plus ones or be a surprise guest. No invite (or a very clear plus one) means don’t show up.



  • White Dresses - White's a beautiful color, but if it doesn't make you *heart emoji*, then consider something out of the box! All black everything, perhaps?

  • Asking for Permission - It's 2020, so unless specifically requested, don't feel pressure to ask the to-be bride's parent' s/dad's permission for her hand in marriage.

  • Diamonds - There's a world of stones out there (different colors, cuts, and price ranges) shop around!

  • Gendered Wedding Parties - Who says you can't have a Man of Honor or Best Woman?

  • Being Given Away - Dads walking their daughters down the aisle is sweet, but if you aren't close and want another loved one to walk you down the aisle. Take the leap and go for the non-traditional. Or you can walk down the aisle solo.


What are we leaving in the past, and what are we bringing into 2020?






Today we’re answering all the big questions about Engagement Parties. What are they? How to plan one? Do you even need one? We’ve got the answers!

What is an Engagement Party?

An engagement party is a party thrown to celebrate the engagement of a couple. The party is typically held in the month after the engagement. This party can be as large or as small as the couple is into, just as long as the person who’s paying is on board.

Do we need to have one?

Short answer, no! You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to. But, it’s a fun way for the couples’ family and friends to get together and celebrate their love. Bonus, you may start to get all the pesky wedding questions, but no one will really expect to have all the answers yet.

Photo | Reigh Walker

Photo | Reigh Walker

Where do we have it?

Engagement parties can be held wherever you’d like! We predominantly see them held in private restaurant spaces or family homes, but if you’ve got the budget do it up your way!

Who’s invited?

You can keep it small with just your immediate families, or you can size up and invite close friends and extended family members. Just be sure to invite only people that you would want at your actual wedding because those guests should carry over.

Quick Questions? Quick Answers!

Should we already be registered? Probably, some guests (namely nana and pawpaw) may already be chomping at the bit to get you a gift, so get that done asap!

What do we do at the party? Party! Eat, drink, show off that rock, whatever you want, it’s up to the couple. One thing that can’t be forgotten, though, is to thank your guests for their love and support!

Do we need to decorate? We would recommend yes, but you don’t need to go overboard. Some streamers, balloons, or fun photo backdrop will suffice!

Do we send out formal invites? You decide! Wedding code isn’t as strict on this one, just as long as you do it 3-4 weeks beforehand.

What should we wear? For many brides, the Engagement Party is the first pre-wedding event where they begin their all white everything outfit run so that’s an option. If you’re not into that, an outfit you’d wear to a nice restaurant will do too!


Are you having an engagement party?






Finding a bridesmaid dress that all of your bridal party is happy with (and looks hot in) can be a struggle. Feelings and expectations get involved, and the whole process can go downhill fast. Today we’ve rounded up some tips that will keep everyone cool, calm, and collected looking their best on your wedding day.

Have a Vision

Go into the process with a vision of how you’d like your bridesmaid to look. Consider your bridesmaid dress philosophy:

  • My Way Or The Highway - All the dresses will be the same style and color.

  • Options Options Options - Dresses are the same exact color, but the bridesmaids can choose a style that fits them.

  • Color Scheme - All dresses will be in the same general color scheme, something broad like Green or Blue, but can be different styles.

  • You Can Have Whatever You Like - You do you, babe. Wear what you want but within reason.

Be Prepared

Make sure bridesmaids know what to bring on try on day. recommends:

  • Undergarments they’ll be wearing on the wedding day (or something like it).

  • A few different shoe options, so they can see what looks best.

  • Body shapers (if that’s their thing).

  • Hair clips or ties, so they can try a few different styles and get a better idea of how it’ll pair with the dress.

  • Get dolled up (whatever that means for them) for the same reason as the above. It’ll help them get a better picture of how they’ll look on the wedding day.

Coordinate Schedules

Try your best to coordinate schedules so that all of your bridal party can be involved. Everyone being together in one place and able to contribute will help ease any feelings of not being heard.

Be Realistic

If all of your bridesmaids are fresh out of college, a $300 dress might be a financial stretch for them (especially because they’ll probably never wear this dress again), so be realistic and considerate.

Be Kind

Bridesmaids can get a little weird around dress shopping, and some of that is unfounded but, some weirdness or bad attitudes may be coming from a deeper place. Shopping, especially for a dress that you’ll be on display and photographed in all day, can be tough for people with body insecurities. If your bridesmaids are feeling insecure and like their opinions aren’t being considered, tensions can arise. Now we’re not recommending you change your plan to accommodate whatever they’d like to wear (it is your wedding after all), but be kind. Choose inclusive dress companies, consider styles that look good on different bodies, and talk it out. At the end of the day, these are people you love.

Have Fun

Remember that this is supposed to be a fun experience! Pop a bottle of champagne or do a little fashion show. This, like many other parts of the wedding planning process, should be a memory you can look back on fondly.


Do you have any tips on surviving bridesmaid dress shopping?

